Tuesday 3 February 2009


watching a video by Bonnie McCaffrey recently I realized that these projects by Larkin Van Horn are extensions of the kinds of exercises we have done.

Anyone here finished anything from the explorations we began last year? As you can see by the last comment posted, our public is waiting for the next chapter...

Or are we done here?


Julie said...

I have not had chance to get started with this book yet but I do intend to work with it. As I'm new here I can't really contribute to the decision to continue this blog or otherwise, but I would hope that it does continue.

Wendy said...

I am not done. As soon as I get my space back I plan to get on with the mark making exercise. I know - excuses excuses. I did get my large piece of 'rubber' to carve a bigger stamp.

neki desu said...

i'm not done either.
life happened and i'm slowly getting back to the swing of things.

neki desu

Vivian said...

I'm not done, either. I was just thinking of getting back to the book this morning. I think this is my "after the holidays" time. Glad you posted.

dot said...

Count me in, am off to Australia next week for 7 weeks and have put the book in my luggage to take and re-kindle the flame! Glad others are sticking around too.